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Member Benefits

Membership in the Appraisers Association provides you with a highly respected credential in the appraisal profession, access to distinguished professional development, and excellent networking opportunities with notable professionals in the field. Members also receive discounts on programs, database subscriptions, and memberships with partner organizations.

Exclusive Benefits

“Find an Appraiser” Online Database

Certified, Accredited, Life Certified, and Life Accredited Members are listed publicly on our website in a searchable database, which is widely used by individuals and corporations in search of an appraiser. Searches can be conducted by keyword, last name, area of specialization, or geographic location. In addition, the Association provides referrals by telephone and email.  We provide up to 200 referrals a month.  

Appraisers  Association  of  America  Logo

Members may use the Appraisers Association logo to indicate they are affiliated with the highest standards of ethics, conduct, and professionalism. Please see instructions on how to state your affiliation with us and use of our logo. 

Appraisal Templates

Certified, Accredited and Associate members have access to the Appraisers Association's appraisal templates,  kept up to date with the most recent edition of USPAP for use in your appraisal practice.

Professional Insurance

Members of the Appraisers Association have access to professional liability insurance coverage, developed in affiliation with Anne Rappa of Huntington T. Block. This coverage is designed to fit the specific needs of our members.

Pricing and Research Database Discounts

Appraisers Association members receive substantial discounts on subscriptions to databases including Artnet, ArtTactic, Artprice, Collector Systems, MutualArt, and Prices4Antiques.

Appraisal Publication Discounts

Members receive significant discounts on publications of particular interest to appraisers including Appraising Art: The Definitive Guide, The Experts’ Guide to Collecting, and Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice handbook and manual. 


Alerts & Updates

Members receive notification of all important legislative, IRS, and USPAP changes.

Members-Only LinkedIn Group

Closed forum to connect with other members, pose questions, and learn of member-only content.


Our weekly e-vents keeps members informed on all topics of interest to the appraiser and provides information about upcoming programs and events. Members can submit opportunities and events for inclusion.

Professional Development

Continuing professional development for members is available through a wide range of connoisseurship and methodology seminars, courses, and study days offered in New York City, online, and around the country. Members may register for all programs, including USPAP courses, at a reduced member rate.

Lecture Series

A series of lectures at the National Arts Club which cover a wide range of appraisal topics with a focus on connoisseurship and the marketplace.  Lectures are recorded and available on-demand.

Networking Events

Join us for members-only networking events throughout the year to meet colleagues in the field and connect with other members.

Recorded Programs

Access to a wide library of recorded programs, including lectures, Conference sessions and webinars, available to members throughout the country and abroad at a discounted rate.

Art Law Day & the Annual National Conference

Over the course of three days, experts present panel discussions and workshops on significant events and current issues affecting the appraisal profession. There are numerous opportunities for networking, including the evening reception open to all members. Members may register for an exclusive reduced rate. Student and Associate Members may be eligible for volunteer opportunities. 

Strategic Alliances

Unparalleled Access - Advisory Council

The  Appraisers Association formed an Advisory Council in 2007, which is comprised of more than 20 Allied Professionals, including bankers, trust officers, attorneys, and insurance brokers and underwriters.  The council works to create public awareness for our shared concerns and is focused on a wide range of collections management issues, including appraisals, insurance, legal issues, framing, shipping and storage, theft and fraud, and education.

Knowing  What  Lies  Ahead – The Appraisal Foundation  

The Appraisers Association is a sponsor of The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) and a member of The Appraisal Foundation Advisory Council (TAFAC).  TAF is authorized by Congress as the Source of Appraisal Standards and Appraiser Qualifications and publishes the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).  As a sponsor, the Association and its members are recognized as meeting the highest standards of training, ethics and expertise. 

Understanding  What  They  Want – IRS

The Appraisers Association meets regularly with key individuals at the IRS who are involved in the development of regulations relevant to our Members. The Association offers timely information on legislative issues, most importantly the Pension Protection Act which was signed into law in August 2006 and introduced important appraisal reform.  Current Appraisers Association members are considered “qualified appraisers.”  If members write appraisals in accordance with the principles of USPAP, these appraisals are considered “qualified appraisals.”